Sometimes a job seeker has registered but did not submit their application in time, or while you are reviewing their profile you want to apply them to a different role in your organisation. We call this function Recruiter Apply, which is to say you are applying the job seeker to another role on their behalf.
You can do this from two places:
1. The Job Seeker Profile
This is especially handy after manually entering a job seeker, or when reviewing a job seeker found in the search job seeker function.
When you click into the profile of the job seeker, you will see a new icon appear to the right hand side - three little dots to the left of the Email icon. Click on this to select the option Recruiter Apply.
When you have selected this, a list of jobs will appear. These are jobs that are currently:
- Open Vacancy
- Open Talent Pool
- On Hold
- Applications Closed
You can start typing in the search bar at the top to find your job. The list will filter automatically.
Click on the job you want to apply the person to, then click on the blue Apply button. The job seeker will be automatically applied to that job.
2. While viewing a list of Job Seekers in any Job
You can apply one, or multiple job seekers to another job while viewing them in the list view inside the job you are working in.
Access the job you wish to view. You will automatically be shown all job seekers in that job. You can perform this action from this view, or from within any of the bins on the left.
Select the job seeker/s you wish to apply to another job. Then, click the little icon with the three dots and choose Recruiter Apply.
Select which job you want to apply the job seeker/s to, and click the blue Apply button.
Each time a job seeker is applied to another job, an automatic comment is created to indicate which job they were applied to, and who applied them.
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